Tuesday, May 27, 2008

He's learning!

As the kids are still home from school (damn, unused snow days) today's post will be equally as lame as, although much more sober than, the last. I had to jump on today though to give props to Hubby who sent me the most beautiful, and definitely the largest, flowers ever for our anniversary last week. Granted, he totally forgot we were leaving on Thursday and had them delivered moments before we left for the airport - he was literally pacing in front of the living room windows and I thought we was developing a tick of some sort - but I managed to salvage them by sticking them in the fridge with the remaining two yogurts and four pieces of string cheese that didn't get purged in The Great Before Vacation Ice Box Clean Out. They actually survived and are gracing the table in my living room. Good job, honey!

PS - I tried not mention the vase which looks like it's from Liberace's 1800Flowers collection, but couldn't help myself. To be fair though, he didn't notice it when he ordered. Although how you don't see a gold lame vase is beyond me. Also, please note, I had to remove every shelf, save one, to get this botanical behemoth in the fridge so great was its girth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I honestly thought the vase was cardboard wrapped around a vase in the picture-oops! Beautiful flowers though, and priceless drunk post. So, so jealous!!! (We had a double ear infection while you were in the bath but you have 3 kids so you deserved to be the one in the bath!)