Thursday, March 20, 2008


Imagine this scenario. It's five o'clock, I'm starving while making the kids' dinner and I have two minutes to quickly grab some hummus and carrots from the fridge to snack on before I have to begin shoveling pureed organic squash into the baby's maw and nagging Molly to eat her chicken. Before I went to the store earlier in the day I checked my stock of snacks so I know hummus is available and ready to eat - or so I thought. At left please find, dear readers, a real photograph of the hummus container my husband actually put back into the fridge. I know! If he had been home I would have called him into the kitchen to throw it at him ala the infamous Dry Cleaning Syrup Bottle Fight of '06 (but that's another story).

I simply do not understand. This is not his only offense. Let's look at some of his greatest hits, shall we?

Putting the milk carton back with an ounce of milk left in it so when the girls wake up at six thirty I have to trudge down to the basement to get a new gallon while the baby cries waiting to be fed.
Using the last of the toilet paper and leaving the roll on top of the dispenser instead of putting it back.
Using the last of the toilet paper and not replacing it at all because when he replaced the last roll there was no more under the sink thus requiring a trip to the basement. This is usually followed by me, home alone with the kids on the toilet, cursing him and having to fish an old tissue out of the garbage. Shut, up - you know you've done it too.
Placing a new bottle of shampoo right next to the empty one in the shower (so it can show the new bottle the ropes?).
And beer bottles. Where do I begin? My husband isn't a big drinker, but if I didn't clean up after him you'd think he was ready for Betty Ford.

I could go on, but what I'm wondering is is this an affliction suffered solely by the married male? Or do single men suffer as well? Are their apartments wastelands littered with empty cereal boxes, saline bottles and soda cans? I think if I went away for a week my husband would drown in a pile of his own detritous. He's good about putting things away like his clothes, but what is the mental block with consumables? He tells me he just doesn't see it, but I swear, one week I'm going to bite the bullet and see what happens if I don't replace, refill or throw away any of his crap. Wonder how blind he'd be then. And, yes, I know I'm not perfect either and I have my faults too, but this house is my office. I don't go to his job and leave Diet Coke cans on his desk. I don't leave him stranded on the can with a wet patootie either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too have hatched many a plan to allow my husband to have to weed through his clothes, various food items, and empty glasses. Sadly, like you, my home is my office and I just can't take it so we do the dance again and again. Rinse and repeat. Good thing is so dang good looking. :)