Friday, February 6, 2009

Open letter to the woman who parked in the handicapped spot at the Dunkin' Donuts today,

Perhaps you will find this letter redundant as we have already spoken, but I would like to reiterate the points I made during today's meeting.

When I pulled into the DD lot this morning, piloting the sporty Pontiac GT I am now renting since last week's car accident*, I too, was disappointed to find no good parking as it was, assuredly, one of the coldest days of the winter thus far. Seeing the only spot open right by the door was the handicapped one, I parked all the way at the end of the lot, across the street, wrapped my youngest child in seventeen layers of outerwear, dodged the contractor's trucks as they screech into the lot on their Nextel walkie-talkie thingys and made it to the door.

So why do you, Souless Hag, all by your lonesome, with your perfectly functioning (although nauseatingly encased in age-inappropriate Uggs) legs feel you have the right to park your ridiculous Hummer in a spot reserved for someone with a disability? And while one can reason a lack of concept of other to be a social handicap, it does not prevent you from getting from point A to point B in an upright position. Unless, of course, you park in this spot again and we cross paths, at which point the only sheep skin you will need will be a bed-sore preventing pad beneath you in your wheel chair.

And, yes , I know, there was much eye-averting from the other customers as I made my opinion known to you, but I will not be deterred. If no else one is gonna say something, I will. Get the look, or what passes for one, off your botoxed face, try not to break an acrylic tip as you fish for your keys in your ridiculous over-sized handbag - which, by the way, if you want to carry a big bag offer to carry my camo diaper satchel to the car - grab your skim latte with ten Splendas, and GET THE HELL OUT OF THAT SPACE.

Mean Mommy

PS - And although I do have a passing resemblance to a homeless woman, appearing not to have showered, hair scraped into a bun, with no make-up on, and am carrying a baby with snot running out of his nose, I will be taken seriously, dammit!

*Post to come

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hold on - back it up HOW ARE YOU DRIVING A PONTIAC with THREE kids?