Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Wind Beneath My Wings

I had the opportunity to revisit my old self today. No, I didn't have regression therapy, I spent the day with a girl I have been friends with since I was fifteen. I suppose I should say woman now since she is also married and has two children, but somehow I still picture her wearing boxer shorts and a face mask as we eat cookie dough straight out of the container on a Saturday night wondering what exactly the cool kids did at all of those parties we heard about on Monday mornings.

It is really special to still be friends with someone who knew me as I was becoming me. A person who stills sees in me the field hockey player and science geek who shared her passion for boys with skateboards. A friend who was there for key moments from breaking up with my high school boyfriend (good) to helping me do my prom hair, pictured above (BAD). Someone who grew up with my family, being tortured by my little sister as she held her down to let the dog lick her and being dragged along to terrible family functions to roll eyes with in the back seat as my dad asks, "Who is this Milli Vanilli?". Someone who knew my mother and can recognize pieces of her in me as I mother my own children and remind me of all her great qualities.

Everyone should be so lucky to have a friend like this. To get to travel back in time each time I see her and catch a glimpse of the girl I was is a gift. To talk to someone who can remind you of what your dreams were in high school, before the needs of other people got in the way can get you back in touch with a part of your self you thought long gone. I love being able to look at someone and say, "Holy crap! Are we really somebody's mother?? Weren't we just looking at earrings in Claire's?"

If you have a chance, call or e-mail that girl you cried ridiculously with when you saw Beaches (were you Barbara Hershey or Bette Midler?), who's jean shorts you borrowed for the whole summer, who you were blood sisters with (guess HIV killed that tradition), who you swore you'd be BFF's with. True, it might be awkward at first as you get to know your new selves, but it really is worth it. Besides, Facebook has to be good for something other than stalking old high school crushes.


Anonymous said...

Holy lord, that's an amazing picture you just posted. I LOVE that you did that.

I never realized there were other un-popular people in this world who'd spend their Saturday nights wondering what the cool people were doing. Too bad we didn't all get together and unite. It would have been fun to kick the cool kids' asses.

Mary said...

The geeks shall inherit the earth!