Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Step one completed...

..in my plan to become a real, live writer.

Get ready, dear readers, Mean Mommy is being published!* True, it is in the local, free, parenting magazine, The Parent Paper. True, I am not being paid. True, that I had to dial the snark down to practically zero and eliminate f-bombs. True, I have to convince H to pose for a picture with me and the kids since the piece is about modern fatherhood. (True, he is going to do this since he just got back from five days in Vegas with his high school buddies during which time I survived a two-day blackout with the kids. Also true, I only survived because I threw a few articles of clothing and all our frozen food into the van and escaped to his parent's house who had power.)

In any case it is a writing credit, which I need if I am going to be published in a national magazine, so I will consider that payment enough. Progress, I say! Woot!

*Coming to the windowsill of a Dunkin' Donuts near you this June!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! Hope you post it on here for all of us to see!

Jean said...

Congratulations, Mary! This is a big step. Can't wait to read the article.

kk said...

and so it begins!

look out world!

Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey said...

Congrats! I feel your pain with the Vegas!