Friday, September 18, 2009

Only Adam... stay at home dad friend, referenced way back in the beginnings of Mean Mommy, could find a YouTube clip so perfect and funny, I almost laughed myself into an asthma attack:


And then afterward, I feel guilty because Adam, being a man, puts up with the same shit we moms do, having to care for the kids when sick and all. He is quite the conundrum, that one. To experience more of his hilarious sense of humor and really disturbing knowledge of 80's movies (in which I am referenced - squee!) please check out his parenting book Don't Put Baby In The Corner! A PG-Rated Guide To Parenting Advice Found In 1980s Movies.


Jean said...

Holy lord, that clip was unreal. I was laughing so hard my husband ran downstairs thinking I was crying. When I showed it to him he couldn't help but laugh as well.

It was so reassuring to know that it truly is common knowledge that men are the biggest weannies when it comes to being sick.

adamkeeble said...

Funny, I find myself at home nursing two kids in varying degrees of sickness. The girl is worse than the boy - she's laying on the couch, flushed in the face; he's running around trying to put a birthday hat on the cat. He's going back to school tomorrow, the little so-and-so.

Anonymous said...

I have seen that before. Laura... I love it. Of course my husband, whom I accused of overdoing it this weekend, was diagnosed with the flu today. Both boys were negative so I've spent the day disinfecting and washing. Fun times.