Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A people-pleaser she is not...

I had to laugh out loud when I pulled this out of #2's backpack today after her half-day of kindergarten. This is the five year-old's equivalent of a "fuck you" if I've ever seen it. I can just see her picking up a pencil in her chubby hand and saying, "Pfft. Whatever. Why would I have a good week? I have to come here everyday. There is significantly less playdough and significantly more sitting. And have you people ever heard of a snack?* Don't even get me started on the lack of napping. So a good week? I don't think so."

While her brutal honesty can be a bit of a buzz-kill at times, you'll never be able to accuse her of being a kiss-ass, I guess.

*to be fair, they squeeze a lot into the half day and I find the lack of snack time ridiculous, but then again, my children have the eating habits of Hobbits and get cranky when they aren't fed every ninety minutes.


Ellen said...

If it would have been possible, my Kindergartener would have written, "Get me the F out of here." All Day K is a serious DRAG. I love 2's honesty. That rocks.

Anonymous said...

When I asked my #2 why he is so wild when he gets off the bus from kindergarten his exact words were:
"I feel like there is a little man inside of me and he's kept in jail all day long and I have to let him out!"

Anonymous said...

LOL! Jackson feels the same way about his school. Not a fan, despite snack.

Anonymous said...

I love the circling of the "good" for clarity. This is a keeper!


Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey said...

Love that! I wonder what she would say if her teacher asked if she had a case of the Mondays? :)