Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tweedily deedily dee, Tweedily deedily dee...

So I have done it, dear readers.  I have finally stopped swimming against the tide and I have joined Twitter.  Upon doing so, Twitter recommended I follow Tyra Banks, LeBron James and Justin Timberlake, so I'm not sure who Twitter thinks I am.  Apparently a nineteen year-old black man.

I signed up for two reasons.  One, H, arbiter of all things technology and media in the MM household, informed me blog consumption was on the wane and all the cool kids on Wall Street (air quotes on that) are using Twitter to pass on information and that is the trend in main stream media.  And, two, because, frankly I have so little time to write lately I felt this might be a good way for me to stay in touch with you all - even if it's just a little snippet a few times a week.

So here I go into a brave new world and I hope you all follow me.  @MaryMeanMommy

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