Thursday, October 21, 2010

And the winner is...

…the shorter hair*.

I know, I know, technically, the winner in terms of votes was the longer hair (19-4), but…I just couldn’t do it.

For a while I had been persuaded that the longer hair was the way to go, with all the votes in favor of it, and after stopping in at the hair salon (MAAAAAAARY!) and getting much positive feedback. Then a reader posted this comment:

"you look older with the wavy a mom trying to be young and hip..."

And that, in a nutshell, was my underlying fear with the longer hair.

So thank you, Anonymous. I feel like you and I were Lucy Liu and Samantha in the the Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda episode of Sex and the City:

Samantha: “You want truth? Your last Golden Globe dress was a disaster.”
Lucy: “EXACTLY!!! Thank you! I had all these queens* telling me it was fierce.”

It is such a fine line in today’s youth-obsessed culture that it is easy to fall on the wrong side with the best of intentions. So I had to go with the hair that made me feel like me, and not a mom who is desperately hanging onto her youth – leggings and all.

*Sorry, no picture, but I have a big pimple and as today is laundry day, I am wearing a really ill-fitting U2 t-shirt. - which H also happens to think is sexy. So I guess, if you put it together, if he had his way, I’d be look like a Hooters waitress.
**And, I don’t think of any of you as queens (OK, maybe you, Brian)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm still waiting for a picture! :)