Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ohh, baby, baby

This is a lame attempt at distracting you from my pitiful lack of writing by showing you photos. I am sitting at security at the San Francisco airport, nauseous from the two In and Out "animal style" burgers and large fries I just ate, waiting to board the flight that will get me home at one in the morning EST, on the way back from my sister's bachelorette party.

An awesome time was had by all. We started out at an incredible tranny restaurant (the terrible picture left - damn camera phone)where the queens danced on the bar, followed by karaoke at a place in the Castro. The Sisters Cowan rocked it to Salt N Pepa's "Push It", complete with choreography. The Running Man may, or may not, have been involved.

I am planning on sleeping or writing on the plane. I'm pretty sure sleeping, or at least a marathon of Flipping Out on the planes direct TV will win, but you never know. What I do know is I will need some time to decompress from all the fabulosity and return to my regular life of shorts and flip flops, dealing with poop, after a long weekend surrounded by flamboyant gays, wearing what were dubbed this weekend my "Ruby Slippers" (pictured, barely, above).


(And no matter what I do with the layout, the format of this post comes out screwed up. Whatevs.)

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