Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Date-a-versary, H

Mean Mommy and H, circa 1991

present day

While, technically, I should have put up this post a few weeks back, but I wanted to say Happy Date-a-versary to H. Yes, we are queer, and not I don't care.

Our first date, pictured above, top*,was eighteen years ago, on December 7th, 1991. The Phi Tau semi-formal was the occasion. Yes, I outweighed him by twenty pounds - I think that was the year my father imitated me at the Christmas dinner table by putting two walnuts in his cheeks. Good times. And, yes, I am wearing a culotte one-piece, which I believe I bought at Merry Go Round. H does not fair much better. His pants? Is that the bottom half of a zoot suit?

Anyway, regardless of our horrible fashion sense, and my inability to stop eating dining hall brownies, this was the day it all began. Almost twenty years and three kids later, I would still totally skip studying for my Chem 101 final to get dressed up and do kamikaze shots with him in a fraternity house basement that had been cleansed of vomit and decked with Christmas lights just for the occasion.

But there's no way in hell I'd wear culottes again.

*Good God, am I going to pay dearly for posting this picture.


Anonymous said...

Can this be my Christmas card??


Anonymous said...

WOW!! I can't believe you guys have been together for so long! That's amazing! That's the trouble with the 90's, you can't get away from the horrendous fashion. I'm pretty sure I had that same outfit. Ugh.