Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mean Mommy entering radio silence...

OK, dear readers. The good news is I've made it this far without having a panic-induced heart attack, I'm sure because of the soothing effects of emotionally binge-eating peanut butter. The bad new is, H is dismantling the computer today and the Fios guy isn't coming to the new house until the 16th, so I will be out of contact. And let's be honest, with the eighty-five thousand boxes we have to unpack, I'm sure Hubby would strangle me if he finds me tapping away in the basement, so it's going to be a while until I can get back on the writing horse. So let's say I'll be back on Wednesday, July 22nd, as by then, my amazing dad will be up from Florida visiting for a few days before bringing the girls to his place for their yearly visit.

And you have homework, dear readers. If you have not yet familiarized yourself with Clean House on the Style Network, please do so before the 22nd as I am currently obsessed. What better to put on in the background as I pack than a show about cleaning and organizing homes hosted by a ballsy, black woman (pictures above) who looks sort of like a drag queen, complete with oversized flower in her hair, and has numerous catch phrases that I have adopted?

So I will see you all on the 22nd, from the new digs. And, now, as my last day in the old house begins, in the words of CH's Necie Nash, "Let's git to giitin'!!!"

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