Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I don't get...

This is a topic I think I am going to start exploring regularly here at MM. There are just too many things in the world that perplex me and I wonder if I am the only one. So to begin. I don't get...

...people who back into parking spaces. Obviously, I don't mean parallel parking spaces, what I am talking about are people who screw up the entire traffic pattern at the mall, grocery store or other any other center of commerce to drive by the spot they want, stop, and back into it, rather than doing what the rest of us normal people do which is put on our directional (unless you are my father, in which case you think the whole world knows where you are going and turn at will) and pull in. Apparently, it is such a problem at my local grocery store they have erected signs that read "Head In Parking Only". Are all of these people EMT's, firefighters, or undercover police officers? Because I really can't see any other reason to need to pull out of a parking space in such a hurry you don't have a few seconds to look in the rear view mirror.

Another group or parkers who must have descended from the first, and annoy me equally, are the "pull through leavers". These are the people who, when leaving a parking space where the adjacent space in front has been vacated, pull through that empty spot to exit their space rather than reverse out. Again, is your neck in brace? Then maybe you shouldn't be driving. Because what inevitably happens is, said driver pulls out just as another car is trying to take the space that appears to be empty and both drivers slam on their brakes. Or, even better, the schmuck pulling through does so as if every other driver in the lane should be looking two rows over for traffic or at least be expecting a car to come barreling out of an empty parking spot, and another accident is barely averted with much brake squealing.

This entry has jogged many bad car related memories so be prepared for more down the line. Other drivers I do not get to be outed in the near future? The guy who gets in the car next to mine as I am in the middle of strapping my kids in and glares at me for taking so long so he can pull out (I was here first, asshole, and you can wait a damn minute) and people with expensive cars who purposely park straddling two spaces so no one dents their baby (you are a loser and I have to use every bit of decency I have not to key your stupid yellow Viper).


Anonymous said...

帳號的設計 要有什麼經驗
發問者: Hokkiao ( 實習生 5 級)
發問時間: 2008-10-07 06:59:19 ( 還有 1 天發問到期 )
解答贈點: 20 ( 共有 0 人贊助 )
2 意見: 0
[ 檢舉 ]

方案 : 一ㄍ 【WRETCH】 categorization分類 TRANSFER->一ㄍ [BLOGSPOT] ID帳號


Anonymous said...

I agree with them

Unknown said...

I back in when no one else is close enough to be bothered so that I can pull right out and not have to wait for the dumb-ass pedestrians who will walk behind your car despite illuminated reverse lights (my major parking lot peeve). Something about eye contact (or maybe that hateful glare I give) usually stops them in their tracks and I can pull out without much pause.