After using one of his song titles in a post this week, I decided to listen to some Neil Diamond. Smirk, if you will, but after listening to a few tunes I remembered how very much I love Neil, as did my mother, and it's been too long since he got some respect. So this Friday, my list..
Top 5 Neil Diamond Songs
1. Cherry Cherry - This song is a classic - Lauren agrees and I love that she started off her radio show in college with it each time because it is so anti-college-radio-show with its good time beat. A bit racy for 1966, this song is actually quite sexual. I do take issue with the use of the name/fruit Cherry normally in this context as it creeps me out (i.e. Warrant's Cherry Pie - blech), but I'll let Neil off this time.
2. You Don't Bring Me Flowers - This song is a duet with Barbara Streisand, whom I also love. "You don't bring me flowers, You don't sing me love songs, You hardly talk to me anymore, When you come through the door at the end of the day." I used to think this song was so sad, but now I know the people in the song just have small children. They're talking to one another but it's more "Here, take this one, he needs a bath." coming through the door trying to get them all into bed so you can actually have a conversation that isn't interrupted with requests for juice. Maybe the flower bit is true. OK, that's not entirely fair, hubby does bring me flowers (but nowhere near often enough - am I being clear? Am I?), and we both hate acapella singing so no dice on the love songs. Anyway, it's a nice, sad, love song regardless.
3. Forever in Blue Jeans - In contrast to #2, this classic is an ode to young, broke, love and I played this song often when hubby and I were having some hard times. "Money talks, But it don't sing and dance and it don't walk, And long as I can have you here with me, I'd much rather be, Forever in blue jeans" Sigh. Is there anything better than that? Sure, it's easier to be goo-goo eyed about your spouse when you're not fighting over who ate the last cup of Ramen Noodle, but I still love this song because it reminds me of what we went through and I think we'd still be happy even if we lived in a cardboard box.
2. Coming to America - You secretly love this song too so stop your giggling. You can mock me all you want after I write this, but I swear to God, I get chills every time I hear this song. Yes, it's hokey, and theatric and over the top, but there is just something about the music and the way Neil talk/sings part of the national anthem that gets me. I can't remember if it was my husband or one of his brothers who sang this in the elementary school chorus and had to dress up like an immigrant, but I get teary-eyed/laugh hysterically when think about any one of them having to sing a Neil Diamond song while wearing their dad's old suit jacket and carrying a bandanna bundle on a stick.
1. Sweet Caroline - You knew this was coming didn't you? Predictable? Yes. Deserving of the top spot? Also, a resounding YES. This song is so much fun, especially when you are drunk at a wedding, it can't not be my #1. At my wedding, where the DJ was forbidden to play most group dance music - no Chicken Dance, no Macarena, no Electric Slide - upon pain of death, this was one of two group songs I did allow (the other was Shout and my whole wedding wound up on the floor doing The Gator). One of my fondest memories is of all my late mom's friends holding hands in the big circle dancing because they and she loved this song. It was almost like she was there. Regardless of my sentimental connection though, this song is still wicked fun at a party, circle dance or not, with the whole crowd shouting, "Bah! Bah! Baaah!"
If you are not familiar with these songs I pity you and demand that you immediately go to iTunes and take a listen. I guarantee you will buy at least one. While my tribute to Neil may be good, nothing compares to the Neil Diamond tribute group the characters in Saving Silverman belong to - "Diamonds in the Rough". I love Neil, but I have to draw the line at dressing like him.
Happy Friday!
Post-posting note:
AAAAAHHHHHH! I just finished my workout and who do I see on the TV? NEIL DIAMOND! He is performing on the Today show this morning!!!!! This is fate, karma, whatever you want to call it. Neil is thanking me for my tribute. Well, Neil, you're welcome.
hahaha. i love this neil diamond love post. i will unabashedly say that i, too, loves some neil.
i absolutely LOVE the story of one of the Barchetto boys singing "coming to america" dressed as an immigrant (I almost peed my pants). Confirmation of the identity of the actual person and or video documentation is needed IMMEDIATELY.
and you left off an amazing song "i am...i said" i'll prove it. look at these lyrics! Poetry! Sheer Poetry!
Well I'm New York City born and raised
But nowadays, I'm lost between two shores
L.A.'s fine, but it ain't home
New York's home, but it ain't mine no more
You're killing me. Not only is "Sweet Caroline" a Fenway Park staple, you describe it as "wicked fun". #$*& Boston.
for anyone who hasn't heard "I am..I said" (maybe the Brits??).
Hubby - was it you or one of the brothers in the chorus?
OK, to clarify (because Hubby was too much of a pansy to answer himself) - I dragged it out of him that he was, indeed, in the chorus, but wore a red bow tie. He was not dressed as an immigrant. Is this better - or worse?
And sorry about the Fenway soundtrack, honey, but it can't be helped.
You forgot Cracklin' Rosie - Neil's tribute to cheap booze and talking sh!t when drunk:
Cracklin' rosie, make me a smile
Girl if it lasts for an hour, thats all right
We got all night
To set the world right
Find us a dream that don't ask no questions, yeah!
Yay for the Neil Diamond comeback! He's everywhere these days (America Idol? I wish I could stand that show enough to watch that episode.) Shout out to Adam - Cracklin' Rosie is another fine, fine little tune...one of my faves.
Since we're throwing it all out - I should tell you about this design project I did for a class a long while back. The assignment was to make a package design for any product that was to be endorsed by a hypothetical celebrity. Who did I choose? Um, Neil of course. I made high end, specialty cookie tins for "Cherry, Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies" - "Hello Again Honey Snaps" and "Cracklin' Rosie Crisps"
It just might have been my finest hour.
So who coming to see Neil at Fenway in August? I'm serious. Come on you guys. Don't even try to tell me it wouldn't be AWESOME.
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